August 13, 2012

not home yet.

5.30 a.m.
woken up
broken hearted
saw a flight of birds
on their way back home
they moved in a rhythm
a mellow pace
a melancholic song
it was my song
I longed for home
but I can't go home
I am not done with home
I have promises for home
I have dreams for home
impossible, impossible dreams
but where I stand now
what I have been through
says all of the opposite
three years there
one by one
I watched as my dreams
even the smallest of my dreams
were turned real before me
what I thought I couldn’t do
I did it
where my life had been risky
I had been saved
where I fell on my knees
I found grace
so this time round
why would I give in?
I have conquered weak before
all because of home
this too, is for home
yes I might be broken hearted now
but I am already comforted
by the thought that, one day
I'll be among the flight of birds
singing my own song
finally, finally home.